Monday 28 February 2011

Shouting not Singing

Three new block people for Nick Woolff, these will be going to his American art fairs this year.

This last piece 'Man with mouth open' I called 'Shouting not Singing' after the poem 'Not Waving but Drowning' by Stevie Smith. In the end it remains the descriptive title as sometimes I think its best to let the viewer make up their own minds, it will be their sculture after all. 

If you follow the link below you can listen to her talking, she has the most amazing voice and what she says resonates strongly with me and my work

"They are written from the experiences of my own life, its pressures and fancies, and they are
written to give ease and relief to me: while they are being written I’m afraid nobody
else comes into it at all. I want to get something out that is working away at me. I
think pressure is the operative word here: the pressure of daily life; the pressure of
having to earn one’s own living, possibly at work that is not very congenial; the
pressure of one’s relations with other people; the pressure of all the things one hears
about or reads about in philosophy, history and religion for instance, and agrees with
or does not agree with; the pressure of despair. And the pressure too of pleasures that
take one’s breath away – colours, animals tearing about, birds fighting each other to
get the best bit of bacon rind. And the funniness of things too…"
Stevie Smith

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